Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation deals with the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as the atmosphere,  groundwater,  sediment, or wetlands.

Eco remediation: solutions of environmental issues.

Technologies for remediation by the environmental industry are part of a comprehensive network that unites scour prevention, erosion structures, liquid assets such as Bio-solids Reuse, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to espouse solutions to erosion fears.

These concerns increase upon running afoul of environmental regulations and environmental organizations,  prompting ecological violations.

An environmental audit is a general term that reflects evaluations intended to identify environmental compliance services and management systems implementation gaps. In some references, this is called a "gaps analysis" or Preliminary Review.

These evaluations and any necessary corrective actions serve a similar purpose to a financial audit.

Remediation and management of contaminated sediments combined with the unlawful discharge  from a dredge plan may solve problem of silted channels and beach erosion, thus resolving the issue (s) of soil degradation.

Ground reinforcement. factors that protect soils from mudslide dangers/landslide dangers reduce sediment clogging the rivers.

Trends after soiling environmental regulations.

  1. Environmental Conservation
  2. Environmental Monitoring
  3. Environmental Science
  4. Erosion control is an enormous global market
  5. Green Groups  
  6. Green Infrastructure
  7. Legacy nuclear waste
  8. Managing Remediation Waste
  9. NAME
  10. ACER

SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwired - Jan 14, 2015) - Glenjohn Capital Company announced its KNEW technology was awarded the IChemE Water Management and Supply Award specifically for its patented process in remediation mine effluent called Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), fracking discharge and brackish groundwater. 

Land Vulnerability

Many attempts have been made worldwide to develop methods to identify the areas most threatened by soil degradation. Some soils in afflicted areas may be irreversibly degraded and thus have very little resilience (the ability to restore themselves). To assess the current state of soil degradation in the Czech Republic (CZ), we have developed an overall indicator of land vulnerability

Science of Soil Health

USDA NRCS Soil Health Literature Review Project, developed to support the science-based approach to NRCS’ soil health initiative, was recently launched and made available to both the public and USDA employees. 
“As world population and food production demands rise, keeping the nation’s soil healthy and productive is paramount, " said Dave Hoover, National Leader for Soils Business Systems. “So much so that we believe improving the health of our Nation’s soil is one of the most important conservation endeavors of our time.”
 NRCS efforts on behalf of healthy soil result in an increase in crop production and profitability while improving the environment. Positive results are often realized within the first year of implementing soil health management systems and last well into the future.
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Efforts to Protect Soils

 The process starts with an assessment of the site to determine the remediation needs.

 Earth Flow/debris flows can be very destructive thus the need for soil erosion enforcement

The remediation of hazardous waste is an ongoing project in many nations of the world, as they deal with the continuing production of hazardous waste and the cleanup of waste that was produced in prior eras when environmental regulations were less stringent.


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