
Showing posts from June, 2024

Aquaculture Sector

Environmental legislation is the collection of laws and regulations pertaining to air quality, water quality, the wilderness, endangered wildlife and other environmental factors. The act ensures that matters important to the environment are thoroughly considered in any decisions made by federal agencies. The exact origin of aquaponics systems also remains under debate, even to this day. While the Aztecs’ chinampas in Mexico are believed to be the basis of modern aquaponics, people of eastern Asia, specifically in South China, Indonesia, and Thailand, were also thought to be among the earliest aquaponics practitioners. In the mid-1980s, two researchers, McMurtry and Sanderson, developed the first closed-loop aquaponics system. They used sand as a bio-filter to clean the water from a fish tank and irrigate crops. “History-The Shutters of Memory.“ “It is distant enough that perhaps we can attend to the examples without too much emo

The Future of Storm Water Stewardship Practices | For a Sustainable Future.

By analyzing 56-million-year-old sediments, a UNIGE team has measured the increase in soil erosion caused by global warming, synonymous with major flooding. How erosional systems respond to changes in the intensity and distribution of rainfall due to climate change remains a significant question in geomorphology. Many desert landforms are sensitive to rare rainfall events, and as the intensity of these events increases, they will also have greater impacts on non-desert landforms. The impact of extreme rainstorms on escarpment morphology in arid areas: insights from the central Negev Desert: Citation: Shmilovitz, Y., Marra, F., Enzel, Y., Morin, E., Armon, M., Matmon, A., et al. (2023). Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface . The erosion of desert escarpments occurs in drier areas with frequent intense storms. Shmilovitz et al. [2023] seek to understand how different metrics of rainfall, such as the intensity, frequency, and average annu

Coral Reefs Hit by Global Mass Bleaching

Global Heatwave Puts 73% of Coral Reefs at Risk of Bleaching. Coral reefs cover only 1% of our oceans, but host at least 25% of all marine species. More than half a billion people worldwide depend on coral reefs for food. So coral reefs are vital for the health of the ocean and people. They are also among the ecosystems most at risk from climate change. As climate change continues to drive up ocean heat, coral worldwide is experiencing bleaching . What is coral bleaching? When water is too warm, corals expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues, causing the coral to turn completely white. This phenomenon is called coral bleaching. Importantly, bleached corals are not dead; they can survive a bleaching event, but they are under more stress and are subject to mortality 1 . If the stress-caused bleaching is not severe, coral has been known to recover. However, if the algae loss is prolonged and the stress continues, coral e

We're here to empower you to do what you do, better!

Welcome to a website dedicated to informing individuals about erosion control devices and resources. Our website emphasizes the significance of soil conservation and sustainable infrastructure and offers essential guidelines for policymakers to integrate sustainability into infrastructure planning and execution. Additionally, we provide information regarding various erosion control methods, devices, and suppliers. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to our administrators via the contact form available on our website. More than 100 major companies are demanding new systemic changes from world leaders — here's what they want DIRECT air capture Direct air capture (DAC) technologies extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere. The CO2 can be permanently stored in deep geological formations, thereby ... Direct air capture (DAC) technologies extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere. The CO2 ca